How to dress in Cape Verde?

The peculiarity of Cape Verde is that it is said that there are as many destinations as islands for this country. Depending on the activities and the islands you have chosen to visit, you will need to bring the appropriate clothing, so here is an article to help you know how to dress in Cape Verde.

When to go to Cape Verde?

Cape Verde is an archipelago of 10 islands located on the African continent off the coast of Senegal in the Atlantic Ocean. 

Its geographical location makes it a relatively pleasant and sunny country all year round. The climate is therefore arid tropical with hot temperatures all year round (between 25°C and 37°C).

The best time to go there is between November and April, this is the dry season.

From May to October, the temperatures are higher with a lot of humidity, especially for the southern islands. This is the rainy season.

As far as I am concerned, I went to Cape Verde during the month of November. It's a great month to travel to Cape Verde with decent temperatures (between 25°C and 35°C) depending on the islands. The weather was relatively nice, I must have had a day or two with rain in Santo Antao on the heights of the island.

How to dress in Cape Verde for hiking?

There are certain islands, such as Santo Antao or Fogo, which are paradise islands for hikers. Indeed, you will find magnificent treks to do there. But still it is necessary not to have forgotten the necessary equipment.

Since the temperatures are rather mild all year round in Cape Verde, it is not too cold. However, for the hikes it can be different, so I advise you to take a little warmer clothes because it can sometimes be a little cold at altitude.

Here is what I advise you to bring for hiking in Cape Verde: 

Obviously the amount of clothing to bring depends on the number of hikes you want to do but also on the difficulty of these. 

For example, concerning me, I did about 5 hikes in Santo Antao, then 2 in Sao Nicolau. I only wore shorts and t-shirts for the hikes. On the other hand, I used the k-way once while hiking.

Otherwise, clothes like pants or sweaters, I had to use them only rarely in the evening.

But it is better to plan ahead by taking a few warmer things, even if they are not used.

Cape Verde: how to dress to visit?

Generally speaking, apart from sporting activities like trekking, you won't need to bring much to Cape Verde.

It is relatively warm there, so I advise you to take:

Again, the amount depends on the length of your stay, but you shouldn't need a lot. Given the heat, the day you will be mainly in undress (dress / shorts and t-shirt) but take pants in case and a sweater for the evenings if you feel the need.

Cape Verde: the essentials not to forget in your suitcase

Obviously, in addition to clothing, there are essentials not to be forgotten during a trip such as: 

To conclude, to go to Cape Verde, you don't need much, it's relatively nice and warm all year round so prefer light clothes for most days. But don't forget to take at least one pair of trousers/tracksuits and a slightly warm jacket (vest/sweatshirt) for the more cautious among you to put on in the evening because the temperatures can sometimes drop. 

I mainly spent my time in shorts / t-shirt during the day then little dress for the evening. I don't think I used pants except for the night ferry trips and I was happy to have warm clothes (between the air conditioning and the wind it's cold there).

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